Dental Services


Preventative Care

Preventative dental care involves practices and procedures aimed at maintaining oral health and preventing dental issues. This includes regular dental examinations, cleanings and education on proper oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing. Fluoride treatments and dental sealants are also common preventive measures to strengthen teeth and protect them from decay. Overall, the emphasis is on early detection and proactive measures to avoid the development of dental problems. Ask our team about when your child should begin their dental journey.

General Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating oral diseases while restoring the function and appearance of teeth. It includes procedures like fillings, crowns, bridges, and implant crowns to repair damaged or missing teeth, promoting overall oral health. The goal is to preserve natural teeth when possible and enhance a patient's dental well-being through various restorative interventions.


Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure designed to treat a tooth with a damaged or infected pulp, the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. A dental crown is often placed on the treated tooth to restore its strength and longevity. Root canal therapy helps alleviate pain, save the natural tooth, and prevent the spread of infection to surrounding tissues. We perform simple root canal procedures and the more difficult and involved cases are referred to a specialist/Endodontist.

Simple Extractions

 When restoration procedures such as root canal therapy, crowns, or fillings are not enough to save a tooth, it may need to be pulled, or extracted. Simple extractions are usually quick and straightforward, involving minimal trauma to surrounding tissues. Patients who require moderate to deep sedation and extractions that are more difficult and/or surgical in nature are referred to a specialist.


Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the aesthetics of a person's smile and overall oral appearance. It includes various elective procedures that enhance the colour, shape, size, and alignment of teeth to achieve a more attractive and confident smile. While cosmetic dentistry primarily focuses on appearance, many procedures also contribute to oral health and function. If you are looking to improve your smile let us know and one of our team members can arrange an appointment to discuss your options.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth can become stained from the foods we eat and drink. A great way to bring back the brilliance and radiance of your smile is with teeth whitening treatments. While over the counter whitening products exist, professional teeth whitening tends to be more effective and safer. It is essential to note that teeth whitening may not be suitable for all types of discolouration, and consultation with our team is recommended for personalized advice. We offer a take home whitening system for your ease of use and convenience.


Emergency Dental Treatment

Are you suffering from a severe toothache? Have you lost a filling or chipped a tooth? When you need urgent dental care by a professional, you can count on the Springwater Dental team. At our clinic, we understand that dental emergencies can be painful and even cause further harm to the surrounding teeth and gums. We provide emergency dental services to ease your pain and make you comfortable. If you have a life-threatening or severe injury, call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room. Please call our office for assistance.